Senior bankers tend to travel a lot, perhaps being out of the office on average 60% of the time. Most of the travel for senior bankers is spent marketing and pitching. Sometimes Analysts and Associates will be invited to go to pitches and sometimes not. The majority of a junior banker’s time will be spent in the office. However, junior bankers may have a significant opportunity to travel when they are working on live deals. For example, when working on a sell-side M&A transaction, often the Analysts and Associates will spend a significant amount of time at the client site, especially at the beginning of the engagement. As the process progresses, the junior bankers might continue to travel to the client’s headquarters to oversee (babysit) management presentations or to travel to oversee (babysit) due diligence site visits by the prospective buyers. Working on an Initial Public Offering (IPO) will likely require significant travel during the roadshow process.