Coaching FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Interview and Job Search Coaching

How far in advance do I need to book a Coaching Session?

Generally coaching appointments can be scheduled within a few days as long as your schedule is reasonably flexible. In some cases, same day appointments can be made. However, keep in mind that during peak investment banking interview seasons (September/October and January/February), coaching slots may fill up quickly so the more advanced notice, the better.

What days and times are you available to do coaching sessions?

Provided my schedule allows, coaching sessions can be scheduled most hours during the day or evening and on weekdays or weekends.

I am in New York. Where can we meet to do a coaching session?

Coaching sessions generally take place at a Starbucks or similar venue in midtown Manhattan. We can discuss the specific location when we schedule your coaching session.

Do I have to be in the United States to schedule a coaching session?

No, as long as you have a phone and a valid credit card, there is no requirement that you be in the United States. Please keep in mind, however, that my personal expertise is based on U.S. experience and my advice, while generally applicable to investment banking recruiting worldwide, may not be specifically applicable to the job search situation in your country.

What do I need to send you in advance of an upcoming coaching session?

The only thing I need in advance from you (in addition to payment) is an emailed copy of your resume (or for a resume review session, the latest version of your resume).

How do I pay for the coaching session?

We accept payment via all major credit cards. Payment must be made in advance (or at the beginning of) your coaching session.

If I have a quick question, can I still post a comment to this IBankingFAQ site?

Yes, of course! I will continue to respond to questions posted on this site in as timely a manner as possible.

I see that you also teach courses on financial modeling, valuation and other finance and accounting topics. Do you do private sessions for these topics as well?

Please contact me if you are interested in personalized training on such topics but note that higher hourly rates and minimum hourly commitments may apply. If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate, MBA or other graduate program, please also note that I also teach on-campus courses so please also contact me if you believe there might be demand for such a course at your school.

For more information or to set up a coaching session, please email me at andrew [at] or use the contact form below.

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